Dutch Management and Supervision Act

The Dutch Management and Supervision Act (Wet Bestuur en Toezicht) came into force on 1 January 2013. Bouwinvest has amended its articles of association and internal regulations in line with this legislation, insofar as applicable and necessary. The Management and Supervision Act includes a guideline for a balanced gender ratio within the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board. At least 30% of these positions should be filled by women and at least 30% by men. Bouwinvest’s Board of Directors and Supervisory Board do not yet have the above-mentioned gender balance. Based on the profiles of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Supervisory Board, in the event of future resignations Bouwinvest will carry out an evaluation to determine the desired profile any new members. This evaluation will take into account diversity criteria, including a balance of male and female.

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