Corporate governance

Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Office Fund N.V. (the Office Fund) was established in 2010. Stichting Bedrijfstakpensioenfonds voor de Bouwnijverheid (bpfBOUW, the pension fund for the construction industry) is the Office Fund’s anchor investor.

The Fund has a transparent governance structure, which ensures effective and efficient management, combined with proper checks and balances. The Fund’s governance structure consists of a General Meeting of Shareholders, a Supervisory Board and a Board of Directors.

Fund governance

The Office Fund is governed in a robust framework with systems and processes to manage risks and direct management. To safeguard the interests of our investors, integrity and transparency play a key role in the Fund’s governance principles.

  • Independent compliance function
  • Conflicts of interests policy
  • ‘Checks and balances’ framework with four lines of defence
  • Robust process management: ISAE 3402 type II certified
  • AIFMD compliant (February 2014)
  • Independent custodian appointed

Rules and principles governing day-to-day business

  • Best-in-class system for valuation of assets
  • ‘4-eyes-principle’ on all real estate investments
  • Transparency and integrity in daily business conduct
  • Code of conduct
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