Financial statements

Statement of financial position

Before appropriation of profit, all amounts in € thousands

As at 31 DecemberNote20142013 
Non-current assets   
Investment property12446,309459,830
Investment property under construction13207,867146,945
Financial assets14- 525
Other non-current receivables - -
Current assets   
Trade and other current receivables1516,669467
Cash and cash equivalents1619,0027,758
Total assets 689,847615,525
Equity and liabilities   
Equity attributable to the owners of the Fund   
Issued capital 265,254233,529
Share premium 306,991301,042
Revaluation reserve 98,07771,213
Retained earnings (11,185)(47,149)
Net result for the year 11,18547,149
Total equity17670,322605,784
Current liabilities   
Trade and other payables1819,5259,741
Total liabilities 19,5259,741
Total equity and liabilities 689,847615,525
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